The Voice of Light
The Voice of Light
Light Language Transmissions by Girez
Light Language Transmissions by Girez
Girez is an inter-dimensional shaman, an elder, and a healer.
He is a messenger of indigenous wisdom and love.
Experience Girez
Girez’s voice, whether speaking or singing, brings in a wave of energetic information, sometimes gently other times powerfully, often with humor, always in love. Girez has been referred to by spiritual teachers as a Master Healer, and by clients as the Laughing Buddha and the Loving Grandfather.

"Girez’s voice is medicine for the soul. There is a quality to the sound that resonates deep in my being. The vibration is so sweet, loving, and has incredible healing properties."
- Tozi
Channeling Girez
My name is Karen, and I am a channel for Girez (pronounced He-rith). Girez speaks and sings in a loving and powerful light language. I use my intuition to translate Girez's messages and he uses my voice to deliver energetic transmissions of wisdom, harmony, joy, and unconditional love.

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